Wednesday, October 1, 2014

NZG Resources

NZG Re was established in 2013. The company is selling pure fine gold 999.9, ranging from 10gm, 20gm, 50gm, 100gm, 500gm to 1,000gm, in Ringgit Malaysia.

Our Product

Tuesday, September 30, 2014


LAN / WAN Network Set-up:

Structured cabling and LAN/WAN Infrastructure setup are the expertise provided by NZF.
Many various product that we carry out.

Radio Frequency Identification (RFID)

We have a strong knowledge in developed product using RFID device either in active or passive
device. NZF also integrate RFID device in any field of solution. We also become a RFID product
consultant in any changes of product specification.



NZF also collaborate their solution with Universiti Sains Malaysia as a research partner in developing a new concept of technology.

Electronics and Electrics Component

NZF also supply Electronics and Electrics Component for build-up Education Kid and any devices
especially RFID device. We also provide a service in troubleshoot electronics board and
reprograming of microchip for logic programing.

Installation of IT equipment, peripheral on ad hoc basis

Adhoc installation and support can be activated on urgent requirements of customer to meet a
project deadline or support issues.

System Development

NZF also have an ability to developed a system for any language like PHP, VB.Net, C+, JSP and
any language required by our customer and also have strong ability in Database Management
System (DBMS).

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Sabun Pencuci Tandas dan Pewangi Tandas untuk kegunaan Industri

New Product : Pencuci Tandas dan Pewangi Tandas
untuk kegunaan industri

New Product : Pelembut Pakaian
untuk kegunaan surirumah dan industri ( Dobi )

Hubungi : 0125020649 untuk keterangan lanjut.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Berminat untuk berniaga - Tambah Pendapatan Anda Dengan Menjadi Pengedar Product NZ Fortune

Produk Pencuci Pinggan

Dengan Jenama Bio-NZex

Untuk kegunaan isi-rumah dan industri ( Cafe, Kantin, Restoran, Catering )

Produk yang sedia dipasaran
1. Penggunaan Isi Rumah 1000 ml - Lime
2. Penggunaan Isi Rumah 1000 ml - Lemon
3. Penggunaan Industri 9.5 kg - Lime
4. Penggunaan Industri 5.0 kg - Sweet Apple

Dengan cara jualan terus atau isian semula ( Recycle )

Rebutlah peluang ini.

Kualiti Produk Setanding Jenama Terkenal, Malahan Lebih JIMAT

Pengedar Diperlukan Di Kawasan Utara 
( Pulau Pinang / Kedah / Perlis dan Perak Utara )


Sila Hubungi :

012-5020649 / 017-4719278

Produk Islam dijamin Halal.
" Mencari yang Halal itu Fardhu..
...Mencari yang Muslim itu Kifayah "

Sokonglah Produk Muslim